Veterinary Professionals


London Aquatic Veterinary Services is happy to accept referrals from veterinary professionals working within the greater London area. Please email our veterinarian, Dr Bryony C-Glover for further information. Referral consultations are preferably conducted pond or tank side by LAVS but some cases may be able to be supported remotely via telephone consultation.

For referral cases outside of the Greater London area telephone consultations may be appropriate, if so, please refer your client to our telephone consultation page for details on costs and bookings.

Alternatively, LAVS is happy to discus clinical cases with any veterinary professional to aid in house work up.


Unsure how to approach a fish case in general practice?
The webinar below could be perfect for you. ‘Fish Medicine in First Opinion Practice’ runs through useful equipment, consult structure, treatment options and two case studies to demonstrate what is needed to successfully work up a fish case in general practice. CPD certificates are available upon request.

Veterinary Students - EMS

London Aquatic Veterinary Services is able to take a limited number of veterinary students in their clinical years, every year for Extra Mural Studies (EMS). Please note LAVS is currently only able to offer 2 consecutive days of EMS placement in a week and is unable to offer any accommodation.

The busiest and best time of year to see practice with LAVS is in the spring and autumn, typically April - June and September - October but this is largely dependent on environmental temperatures that year.

Please note, due to the sporadic nature of mobile work at certain times of the year, placements may need to be cancelled or rearranged last minute. Please send us an email if you are interested in arranging EMS with LAVS.